Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Vacation!

Story by Kailie H.
Edited by Lindy H. and Grace D.

During our spring vacation, which was over a week long, some of us traveled and some of us stayed in Illinois.

I visited my friend Kaiya, and we went to the Orchestra in Chicago. It was very long. On Sunday, I went to church and saw my cousins and their van. I went to my grandma’s house and it was very fun. I had a good time, welcome back class!

Kailie had an awesome during spring vacation!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Spelling Bee

By Peyton O.

         The spelling bee is over-with some exciting results! The primary grade winners were: in first grade, 1st place Lauren K. and 2nd place Shaw M. In second grade, 1st place Kasey B. and 2nd place Caroline K. When Kasey B. was asked what was going through his mind when he figured out he won the spelling bee, Kasey replied: “I was thinking how proud I was of myself.” I also asked Kasey what he did to celebrate his victory. He replied: “After, my family and me went to McDonalds to get ice cream.” Kasey says to win the spelling bee you should go slow and concentrate. Congratulations to Kasey and all to other spelling bee participants!